Dr. Preeti Vaswani
Name | Dr. Preeti Vaswani |
Date of Birth | 15th March 1978 |
Educational Qualification | MA, SLET, Ph.D. |
Work Experience | |
· Teaching | 24 years |
Area of Specialization | English Literature |
Courses taught | B.Com, B.A. |
Subject taught
Business Communication, Communication Skills, Functional English, Corporate Communication, Personal Branding, Presentation Skills, Public Relations, Leadership Skills, Research Skills |
No of papers published in National /International Journals/Conferences | 15 |
Ph.D (Completed/Ongoing) | Completed |
Research Publications (No of papers published in National / International Journals/Conferences) | 13 |
No of Books published with details (Name of the book Published with ISBN, year of publication etc) | 2 |
Date of Joining | 12 Sep 2011 |
Date of Retirement | 31 Mar 2038 |
Type of Appointment
Permanent Faculty / Adjunct Faculty/Visiting Faculty |
Permanent |
An Assistant Professor in English, teaching Business Communication at F.Y.B.Com and Communication Skills at FYBA. Area of specialization includes English Language and Literature, American literature, and Existentialism. In the teaching profession since July 2000, having 19 years of experience in teaching college students. Communication, Public speaking, creative writing, teaching, reading are my major gifts and interests. Presented many papers at National and International Seminars and Conferences, and have published papers in various National and International journals.