Dr. Devnani Gordhan N
Name | Dr Gordhan Naraindas Devnani |
Date of Birth | 29/03/1965 |
Educational Qualification | B. Com, M. Com, LLB, LLM, Ph.D. (Gold Medallist) |
Work Experience | |
• Teaching | 26 years |
Area of Specialization | Law of Crimes & Environmental Law |
Courses taught | FY, SY B. Com & BA |
Subject taught | Business Law, Foundation Course I, II & Ethics and Integrity |
No of papers published in National
/International Journals/Conferences |
8 – National
15 – International 23 – Total |
Ph.D (Completed/Ongoing) | Completed |
Research Publications (No of papers published in National / International
Journals/Conferences) |
8 – National
15 – International 23 – Total |
No of Books published with details (Name of the book Published with ISBN, year of publication etc) | 1 (Foundation Course -II ISBN no: 978-93-5576- 676-2, 2024) |
Date of Joining | 1/7/1998 |
Date of Retirement | 31/03/2025 |
Type of association | Full Time |
Type of Appointment Permanent Faculty / Adjunct Faculty/Visiting Faculty | Permanent Faculty |
Appointed as Resource Person in a workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights”, also delivered a lecture on “Career Development in Law”, Represented as Speaker and guest for the Inauguration function of “Legal Aid Clinic”, Represented as a Judge for the debate competition. Appointed as Management Nominee for Subject Expert in Business Law for conducting interviews.
Conducted Guest Lecture on “Human Rights” and “Negotiable Instruments Act,1881”.
Traveling and reading are passions. Reading, watching movies and listening to songs are the other areas of interest.