Master Of Commerce

M. Com. course outline & subjects offered in each semester was framed in such manner that the students are exposed to latest trends in relevant branches of knowledge, competence and creativity to face global challenges.

  1. L. S. Raheja College of Arts & Commerce follows the course outline keeping in mind that students are able to cope up with latest developments in national and global level.
  2. Impart the students with higher level knowledge and understanding of contemporary trends in accounts, finance, audit, tax and commerce
  3. Equip the students to evaluate environmental factors that influence business operation with the conceptual requirements and skills on preparation and interpretation of financial statements
  4. Facilitate the students to apply capital budgeting techniques for investment decisions
  5. Prepare students to appraise the structure and operations of banking system
  6. Prepare the students for an in depth analysis of investment, portfolio management, investment banking and liquidation of investments
  7. Develop competency in the students about the laws and regulations of Company Act, Insurance Act, Banking Actetc. and roles of commercial, government and central banks in controlling money market and inflation
  8. Impart the students the concept of risk mitigation in financial sectors and their role in investment decisions of individuals and business enterprises
  9. Provide guidance to students to plan and undertake independent research in a chosen discipline


A candidate for being  eligible  for  admission  to  the Post graduate  programme M.COM shall have passed B.Com/BAF/BBI/BMS/BFM/BIB etc. commerce related programmes examination of the University of Mumbai or its equivalent Examination from other universities*.

Every candidate who intends to take admission to the Post Graduate programme shall have to first register at the University of Mumbai Portal, please refer college website for link.

Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System  Course Structure

M.Com.- Part I – Advanced Accountancy

No. Of Courses Semester I Credits No. Of Courses Semester II Credits
Major Mandatory Major Mandatory
1 Advanced Financial Accounting 4 1 Advanced Cost Accounting 4
2 Advanced Direct Tax 4 2 GST – The Essentials of Goods  & Services Tax 4
3 Strategic Financial Management I 4 3 Strategic Financial Management II 4
4 Auditing and Assurance (Accounting Ethics and Corporate Governance) 2 4 Introduction to IND AS 2
Electives: (Any-one) Electives: (Any-one)
5 Wealth Management OR 4 5 Mutual Fund Management OR 4
Financial Services Introduction to FINTECH
Research Methodology On the Job training/FP
6 Research Methodology 4 6 OJT/FP 4
Total Credits 22 Total Credits 22

M.Com.- Part I – Banking and Finance

No. Of Courses Semester I Credits No. Of Courses Semester II Credits
Major Mandatory Major Mandatory
1 Banking Fundamentals & Negotiable Instruments 4 1 Debt Market 4
2 Financial Markets 4 2 Financial Institutions 4
3 International Finance 4 3 E-Banking 4
4 Financial Literacy 2 4 Marketing of Financial Products 2
Electives: (Any-one) Electives: (Any-one)
5 Principles of Insurance OR 4 5 Branch Banking & Role of Branch Managers 4
Sustainable Finance OR Wealth Management
Research Methodology On the Job training/FP
6 Research Methodology 4 6 OJT/FP 4
Total Credits 22 Total Credits 22

M.Com.- Part I – Business Management

No. Of Courses Semester I Credits No. Of Courses Semester II Credits
Major Mandatory Major Mandatory
1 Human Resource Management 4 1 Marketing Fundamentals & Practices 4
2 Consumer Behavior 4 2 Organizational Behavior 4
3 Business Environment 4 3 Strategic Management 4
4 Business Ethics 2 4 Creative Media Marketing 2
Electives: (Any-one) Electives: (Any-one)
5 Digital Marketing OR 4 5 Risk Management OR 4
Contemporary Indian Economy International Business
Research Methodology On the Job training/FP
6 Research Methodology 4 6 OJT/FP 4
Total Credits 22 Total Credits 22

Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System  Course Structure

M.Com II 
No. of Courses Semester III Credits No. of Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2 and 3 *Any one group of courses from the following list of the courses (Group – A/B/C/D/E) 18 1,2 and 3 **Any one group of courses from the following list of the courses (Group – A/B/C/D/E) 18
2 ü Project Work 2 ü Project Work
4 Project Work – I 6 4 Project Work – II 6
Total Credits 24 Total Credits 24
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017-2018)
Note: Project work is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in solving/ analysing/ exploring a real life situation/ difficult problem. Project work would be of 06 credits. A project work may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses.
*List of group of Elective Courses (EC) for Semester III (Any Three out of Five) 1 ** List of group of Elective Courses (EC) for Semester IV (Any Three out of Five)
No. of Courses Semester III Credits No. of Courses Semester IV Credits
Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and Financial Management 
1 Advanced Financial Accounting 6 1 Corporate Financial Accounting 6
2 Corporate Financial Accounting 6 2 Indirect Tax- Introduction of Goods and Service Tax 6
3 (Skill based) : Financial Management 6 3 Financial Management 6
4 Direct Tax 6 4 International Financial Reporting Standards 6
5 Financial Services 6 5 Personal Financial Planning 6
Group B: Business Studies (Management) 
1 Human Resource Management 6 1 Supply chain management and logistics 6
2 Rural Marketing 6 2 Advertising and sales Management 6
3 Entrepreneurial Management 6 3 Retail Management 6
4 Marketing Strategies and practices 6 4 Tourism Management 6
5 Organizational Behaviour 6 5 Management of Business Relations 6
Group C : Banking & Finance 
1 Commercial Bank Management 6 1 International Finance 6
2 Financial Markets 6 2 Financial Services 6
3 Accounting of Banking Sector 6 3 Auditing of Banking Sector 6
4 Treasury Management 6 4 Investment Management 6
5 Debt Market 6 5 Currency Derivatives 6
Note: Group selected in Semester III will continue in Semester IV
Standard of Passing The learner to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learner shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in the project component, wherever applicable to pass a particular semester. A learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination together.


Ms. Laila Patel
Dr. Laila Ahmed Patel
Assistant Professor
Ms. Neha S. Nikam
Assistant Professor


Events Organized by M.Com Department

  •  Workshop on Financial Statement Analysis

Date: 30th October 2023
Event: Workshop on Financial Statement Analysis

The M.Com Banking and Finance department conducted an enriching workshop on Financial Statement Analysis. Students were divided into groups to analyze real company financials, providing them with hands-on experience in financial analysis. The workshop was guided by Assistant Professor Siddhesh Hadkar, who offered valuable insights and feedback throughout the session.

M.Com students dive deep into financial statements, guided by Assistant Professor Siddhesh Hadkar during an interactive workshop.”

    • Research Project Presentations

Date: 12th December 2023
Event: Research Project Presentations

On 12th December 2023, the M.Com department hosted a formal event where students presented their research projects on advanced topics in accountancy and banking & finance. This event provided an excellent platform for students to showcase their research, receive constructive feedback from faculty, and engage in academic discussions with their peers.

“Showcasing research excellence: M.Com students present their cutting-edge projects in accountancy and finance.”

  • Financial Innovations Presentation

Date: 15th December 2023
Event: Financial Innovations Presentation

M.Com Part One Banking and Finance students presented on various innovations in the banking and finance sector on 15th December 2023. This event highlighted students’ understanding and insights into contemporary financial issues and innovative solutions in the industry.

“Exploring the future of finance through student-led presentations on industry innovations.”

  • Case Study Competition

Date: 30th April 2024
Event: Case Study Competition

The M.Com Banking and Finance department organized a Case Study Competition on 30th April 2024. M.Com Part One students formed teams to tackle real-world financial scenarios, demonstrating their problem-solving skills and financial acumen. The competition involved presenting their solutions to a panel of judges, fostering a spirit of teamwork and critical thinking. The event was conducted under the guidance of Assistant Professor Siddhesh Hadkar.

“Celebrating excellence in problem-solving at the M.Com Case Study Competition, guided by Assistant Professor Siddhesh Hadkar.”

Handbooks / Notes

Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Commerce V

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Business Management

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM – Commerce IV

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM  – Marketing Management

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos related to syllabus on Maharashtra’s Economy, SYBA , Sem IV

Education system and Adivasi students

Health issues and Malnourishment

“An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel”

The certificate course on “An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel” a 4 days (20 hours) intensive course was an initiative of Department of Economics.Ms. Samiksha Jadhav, Asst. Prof, Department of Economics, was the course coordinator where as Mr. Chinmay Joshi, Asst. Prof (Ad-Hoc), Department of Mathematics and Computers was the course instructor.  The lectures for the same were held on 16th, 17th, 18th and 25th August, 2019.It was conducted in the college computer laboratory from 9am to 1pm. There was a huge response from the students for this course as 49 students registered and participated in it. The course covered the theory as well as practical related to soft tools in R software and MS Excel. Students also appeared for an online test conducted by the course instructor and their performances were evaluated.

“My idea behind introducing this certificate course was to equip our BA and B.Com students with data analysis tools that have practical applications in life. Students are introduced to statistical concepts and tools for data analysis at FY, SY and at TY levels through various papers. But the use of the same tools in soft wares like MS-Excel and R software is hardly taught to them through the syllabus. This certificate course was introduced to fill this lacuna in the syllabus. Also, these soft wares are available easily in the market at minimal cost, so the students can continue practicing even after the course is completed. Data analytics being an upcoming field, this certificate course is just the first step towards being Data analyst.”

Ms. Samiksha Jadhav

Course Co-ordinator

“The most important aim of the certificate course was to make students learn the use of soft tools. On completion of this certificate course, students are now able to perform basic data analysis activities using soft tools. Now students are able to use the functions like data sorting, data simulation, regression, graphs etc.,using R-software and MS Excel. They can create their own data and clean the data using the above tools. They are well equipped to understand the use of data and soft tools and ready to take the challenge for becoming Data Magicians.”

Mr. Chinmay Joshi

Course Instructor

Lecture PPT
















Online Admission – Degree College

Online Admission – Junior College

Management Quota Application

Dept. of Commerce (Programme Outcome)

Programme Outcome (Economics)

Pragramme Outcome Mathematics, Statistics and Computer

Programme Outcome (BMM)

Programme Outcome (BBI)

Programme Outcome BAF


Programme Outcome Economics (Arts)


BAF- Handbook

BMS – Handbook

BMS-Deptartment Library

login id:-

password :- user@knimbus

Commerce – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


Mathematics – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


BBI – Handbook

BSCIT – Handbook

BFM – Handbook

BAMMC – Handbook

PSYCHOLOGY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

SOCIOLOGY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

HISTORY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

ECONOMICS – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


ACCOUNTANCY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BAMMC – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BBI – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BSCIT – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

Sociology- Glossary

TYBMS MARKETING Operation Research

TYBMS FINANCE Operation Research