DepartmentNameName of the TopicSubmit the PPT/Video Lectures
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarBanking - FYBA CommerceClick Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarInsurance - FYBA Commerce Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarDistribution Channels - FYBA Commerce Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarBusiness Environment - FYBA Commerce Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarExport Marketing - Product Planning and Pricing Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarExport Marketing - Distribution and Promotion -TYBCOM Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarExport Marketing - Export Finance Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarExport Marketing - Export Procedure and Documentation Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarConcept of Services Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarRetailing Click Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarRecent Trands in Service SectorClick Here
CommerceDr. Anupama NerurkarE-CommerceClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavMeasure of Central tendencyClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavMeanClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavMedianClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavModeClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavQuartiles, Deciles and PercentilesClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavFinding Median, Quartiles, Mode graphicallyClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavMeasure Of DispersionClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavVariance and Standard DeviationClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavMean DeviationClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavData Communication Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavNetworkClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavNetwork TopologyClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavNetwork HardwareClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavNetwork ProtocolsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavInternet ConnectionsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavHackingClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavE CommerceClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavCryptographyClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavTypes of E-Commerce ModelsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavEncryption And DecryptionClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavCentral Tendency Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavNormal DistributionClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavCorrelationClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavRegressionClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Neelam YadavAverageIfClick Here
CommerceDr. Preeti VasvaniGroup DiscussionsClick Here
CommerceDr. Preeti VasvaniInterviewsClick Here
CommerceDr. Preeti VasvaniMeetingsClick Here
CommerceDr. Preeti VasvaniCommittees and ConferencesClick Here
CommerceDr. Preeti VasvaniPublic RelationsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL- Introduction to MySQLClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL- simple queries Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL BasicsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Basic Queries (clauses and conditions)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Table Creations Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Table creation queriesClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Column Related Command Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Column Related command Queries Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Row related command Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Row related commands queriesClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL- Row related queries IIClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Multi-table QueriesClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Built in functionsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Nested sub QueriesClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Built in functions IIClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Seema UkidveMySQL - Transactions Click Here
LibraryDr. Parita DesaiData Collection and Management for NAAC : Using Google FormsClick Here
LibraryDr. Parita DesaiUse of National Digital LibraryClick Here
LibraryDr. Parita Desaiwebinar on Use of National Digital LibraryClick Here
LibraryDr. Parita DesaiUGC MOOCs: SWAYAM An Opportunity for Life Long Learners Click Here
LibraryDr. Parita DesaiUse of Educational Resources of E-PG PathshalaClick Here
LibraryDr. Parita DesaiUse of E-Resources of INFLIBNET N-LISTClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarAmalgamation of CompaniesClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarLiquidation of CompaniesClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarUnderwriting of Shares & DebenturesClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarAccounting for transactions in foreign currencyClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarAccounting for LLPClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarFire ClaimClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarCapital & RevenueClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarDepartmental AccountsClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarInvestment AccountingClick Here
AccountsMr. Hrishikesh WandrekarBuyback of Equity SharesClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiSECONDARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiIntroduction Of DerivativesClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Baraifundamental of international financeClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Baraifundamental of international financeClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Baraiinternational capital marketsClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Baraiinternational capital markets and foreign exchange marketsClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Barairisk managementClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul Baraifutures - introductionsClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul Baraifutures - options - introductions and pricing optionsClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Baraifundamental of international financeClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Mehul Baraifundamental of international financeClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPrimary Market - 1Click Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiPRIMARY MARKETClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiSecondary MarketClick Here
B.F.M.Mr. Mehul BaraiEquity Markets - IntroductionClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul Dandekar10 Principals of EconomicsClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarUtility AnalysisClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarProduction AnalysisClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarCosts and RevenueClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIntroduction to Macro Economics and National Income -1Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIntroduction to Macro Economics and National Income -2Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIntroduction to Macro Economics and National Income -3Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarInvestment MultiplierClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarInvestment - MECClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarLiquidity PreferenceClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarExchange Rate DeterminationClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarInflation Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarPhilips Curve & StagflationClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIndustrial and Labour Economics -1-Industrial LocationClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIndustrial and Labour Economics -2 - Industrial ProductivityClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIndustrial and Labour Economics -3Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIndustrial and Labour Economics -4Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarCyclical Behaviour of the EconomyClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIntroduction to Business EconomicsClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarCost ConceptsClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarBusiness Economics Module 4 - Capital BudgetingClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarMethods of investment appraisalClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarAverage Propensity to Consume (APC) & MPCClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarMeasures of Money : Constituents of Money SupplyClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarBusiness Economics Module 2Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarAgriculture During Post Reform Period -1Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarAgriculture During Post Reform Period - 2Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarAgriculture During Post Reform Period -3 Agri PricingClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarAgriculture During Post Reform Period - 4-Agri MarketingClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarIndustrial Population in IndiaClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarDisinvestment PolicyClick Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarNew Economic Policy 1991Click Here
EconomicsMr. Rahul DandekarForeign Exchange MarketClick Here
M.COMMr. Raju GoleBasic Concepts of Income TaxClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleBasic Concepts of Income TaxClick Here
M.COMMr. Raju GoleIntroduction of Income TaxClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleIntroduction of Income TaxClick Here
M.COMMr. Raju GoleIncome from House PropertyClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleIncome from House PropertyClick Here
M.COMMr. Raju GoleCapital GainsClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleCapital GainsClick Here
M.COMMr. Raju GoleDeductions u/s 80Click Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleDeductionsClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleJournalClick Here
B.M.S.Mr. Raju GoleJournalClick Here
B.B.I.Mr. Raju GoleMeaning & Scope of AccountingClick Here
B.M.S.Mr. Raju GoleMeaning & Scope of AccountingClick Here
B.A.FMr. Raju GoleIntroduction to Cost AccountingClick Here
B.A.FMr. Raju GoleMaterial CostClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavPermutation and Combination Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavLinear Programming Problem Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavFunctions, Derivatives and Their Applications Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavInterest and Annuity Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavMCQs for Practice on topics: Shares, Mutual Funds, Permutations, Combinations and LPPClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavMCQs for Practice on topics: Functions, Derivatives And Their Applications, Interest And AnnuityClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMr. Ramsagar YadavEXERCISES FOR PRACTICE ON TOPICS SHARES AND MUTUAL FUNDSClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra Adkar SPSS & SAS -SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarCorrelation -SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarMeasures of Central Tendency & Dispersion -SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarSampling - SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarQuestionnaire - SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarSEM 5 PAPER 9 UNIT 3 SURVEYClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarSurvey Method - SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarWriting a Research Proposal - SEM 5 Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarQuantitative Research and Research Report - SEM 5 Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarStructural Functionalism & Parsons - SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarGramsci - SEM 5Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarGarfinkel - SEM 5 Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarMerton - SEM 5 Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarChicago School & Louis WirthClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarErnest Burgess & Homer HoytClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarGeorg SimmelClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarRobert ParkClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarManuel Castells & David HarveyClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarUrbanisation in the Colonial & Post-Independence PeriodClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarRecent Trends in Urbanisation in IndiaClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarCriminal Justice: An Overview + Rights & DutiesClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarCriminal Justice: Agenda for ReformsClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarRight to HealthcareClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarSurrogacy BillClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarRPWD ActClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarMDGs & Role of Indian CitiesClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarIT Parks in the Indian Urban LandscapeClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarIssues in UrbanisationClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarCities of the 21st CenturyClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarIntroduction to AnthropologyClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarEvolutionism & Historical ParticularismClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarMalinowski & ElwinClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarXaxa & SundarClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarJournalismClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarUrban GovernanceClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarGeriatric CareClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarWomen Entrepreneurs Click Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarQualitative ResearchClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarProcess of Qualitative ResearchClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarQualitative Approaches to EnquiryClick Here
SociologyMs. Chitra AdkarMethods & Techniques of Data CollectionClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanFoundation course II - Ecology Click Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanUnderstanding Stress and Conflict ResolutionClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanConcept of DisparityClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanInternational EnvironmentClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanOverview of Indian SocietyClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanOrganisational conflict and ResolutionClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanCustomer Satisfaction and Quality if ServicesClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanIssues of marketing in servicesClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanService market segmentationClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanPerceptionClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanPower and PoliticsClick Here
B.F.M.Ms. Divya KanchanRelationship MarketingClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhBarriers to CommunicationClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhCorporate BloggingClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhCrisis CommunicationClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhFinancial CommunicationClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhListening SkillsClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhMedia RelationsClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhPublic Relations EnvironmentClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhTheories of Public RelationsClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhIntroduction to International MarketingClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Heta ParekhIT in Corporate CommunicationClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarIntroduction To Business EconomicsClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarDemand ForecastingClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarMarket StructureClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarMacroeconomics- Scope & ImportanceClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarCircular Flow Of IncomeClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarDemand & Supply Of MoneyClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarBalance Of PaymentClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarKeynesian Theory Of Income & EmploymentClick Here
M.COMMs. Jyoti SarkarMarket Failure & Economic Role Of The GovernmentClick Here
M.COMMs. Jyoti SarkarMarket StructureClick Here
M.COMMs. Jyoti SarkarEconomic Analysis Of CostClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarIs-Lm ModelClick Here
M.COMMs. Jyoti SarkarKeynesian Concept Of Adf & AsfClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarIntroduction To EconomicsClick Here
B.B.I.Ms. Jyoti SarkarUs Depression 1929-30Click Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaIntegrated Marketing CommunicationClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaAdvertising Click Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaIntroduction to managementClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaConsumer Decision Making Models and New TrendsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaPublic Relations and Media RelationsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaPublic Relations and Financial CommunicationClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaEmerging technology in corporate communication and Public RelationsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaPublic Relations and Employee RelationsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaApplications of Research in Mass MediaClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaMedia Evoluation-Agenda Setting TheoryClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaPublic Relation and Financial CommunicationClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaPublic Relation and Media RelationsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaEmerging technology in corporate communication & PRClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaPublic Relation And employee RelationsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaApplication of research in mass mediaClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaConsumer Decision Making Models and New TrendsClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaTools of IMCClick Here
B.A.M.M.CMs. Kavita MakhijaIntroduction to ManagementClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical methods II (sem 4 SYBA paper 2stats)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali Rautstatistical method II ( Continuous distributions and testing of hypothesis Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation research and industrial stats ( project analysis)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation research and industrial statistics(Decision theory)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation research and industrial statistics(game theory )Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical theory II ( sem2 , correlation analysis and regression analysis)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical theory II ( sem 2, index numbers)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautDescriptive Statistics (sem 1)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautIntroduction to statistics (sem 1 FYBA)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautExamples on descriptive statisticsClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical theory - Correlation analysis and regression analysis (sem 2 FYBA)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical theory - Index number :categorical data analysis (sem2 FYBA)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical methods( continuous distributions and testing of hypothesis basics)Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation research and industrial statistics - Project analysisClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation Research and industrial statistics - Decision theoryClick Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation research - Game theory Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical methods - Introduction to probability Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautStatistical methods- Discrete distributions and its properties Click Here
Mathematics and StatisticsMs. Monali RautOperation Research - LPP , Transportation problem , Assignment ProblemClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Monali RautBusiness Mathematics - Elementary financial mathematics , Matrix and determinants Click Here
B.M.S.Ms. Monali RautBusiness Mathematics - input output analysis , derivative and its applications Click Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalPerception - Cognition - SEM VClick Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalAttention - SEM VClick Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalWorking Memory - SEM VClick Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalLong Term Memory SEM VClick Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalLearning Forgetting Imagery Click Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalCreativity and Problem Solving - SEM VIClick Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalDecision Making -SEM VIClick Here
PsychologyMs. Neha DalalReasoning - SEM VIClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Neha NikamPrinciples of managementClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Neha NikamStrategic managementClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Neha NikamRetail managementClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavSocio-Religious Reform MovementClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavRevolt of 1857Click Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavContribution of Provisional AssociationClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavFoundation of Indian National CongressClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavDevelopment of Western EducationClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavTransport & CommunicationClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavCauses of RenaissanceClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavConsequences of Geographical Discoveries Click Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavDictatorship in ItalyClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavGeographical DiscoveriesClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavMeaning and Features of RenaissanceClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavVarious Geographical Explorer Click Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavCoins/ NumismaticsClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavAccounts of Foreign TravelersClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavAncient Kingdom of South IndiaClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavEconomic Life of Indus Valley PeopleClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavSocial Life of Indus Valley CivilizationClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavMedieval India -Foundation, expansion and decline of Delhi Sultanate Click Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavArt and Architecture of Sultanate PeriodClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavIntegration of Indian StatesClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavSocio Economic awakening of Modern MaharashtraClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavChalcolithic Culture in IndiaClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavEarly Historic PeriodClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavEpigraphyClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavMethods of CollectionClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavMuseum Movement In IndiaClick Here
HistoryMs. Pooja YadavPreservation TechniqueClick Here
B.SC.I.TMs. Prajakta JoshiImperative Programming-Unit 1Click Here
B.SC.I.TMs. Prajakta JoshiDatabase Management System-Unit1Click Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarDistribution- Marketing Management Sybcom Sem IV Unit IIClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarPromotion- Marketing Management Sybcom Sem IV Unit IIClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarUnderstanding Buyer Behaviour Sybcom Sem IV Unit IIIClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarMarketing of Services & Rural Marketing Sybcom Sem IV Unit IVClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarCo-ordination & Motivation Tybcom Sem VI Unit IIClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarDirecting & Leading Tybcom Sem VI Unit IClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarControllong & Information Management Tybcom Sem VI Unit IIIClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarContemporary Issues in Management Tybcom Sem VI Unit IVClick Here
CommerceMs. Sajitha KumarDistribution : Marketing Management Sybcom Sem IV Unit IClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavMatrix AlgebraClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavSources of Monopoly PowerClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavIS-LM ModelClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavMaharashtra's EconomyClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavPrice DiscriminationClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavPublic ExpenditureClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavSimplexClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavSimultaneous EquationsClick Here
EconomicsMs. Samiksha JadhavTypes of DataClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeOrientation to Lifespan developmentClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePhysical and cognitive development in AdolescenceClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePhysical and Cognitive development in Early AdulthoodClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePhysical and Cognitive development in late adulthoodClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePhysical and Cognitive Development in Middle AdulthoodClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeSocial & Personality Development in AdolescenceClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeSocial And Personality Development In Early AdulthoodClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani Chandesocial and personality development in middle adulthoodClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeSocial and Personality Development in Late AdulthoodClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeValidityClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeSexual Abuse and Sexual DysfunctionsClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeSomatic Symptom and Dissociative DisordersClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePsychological Testing, Assessment and Norms Click Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeTest DevelopmentClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePersonality Assessment MethodsClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePersonality Assessment: An OverviewClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeSexual Variants & DysfunctionsClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeUnderstanding Abnormal BehaviorClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandePanic, Anxiety, Obsessions & their DisordersClick Here
PsychologyMs. Shivani ChandeMood DisordersClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Suvarna RaikarIntroduction to Integrated Marketing CommunicationClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Suvarna RaikarEnvironmental Concepts Click Here
B.M.S.Ms. Suvarna RaikarIntroduction to Business Research Methods Click Here
B.M.S.Ms. Suvarna RaikarIntroduction to MarketingClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Suvarna RaikarKey Elements of Service Marketing MixClick Here
B.M.S.Ms. Suvarna RaikarFoundations of Entrepreneurship DevelopmentClick Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaBusiness ObjectivesClick Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaEnvironmental Analysis Click Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaBusiness Entrepreneurship Click Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaConsumerism Click Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaContemporary Click Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaBusiness `EthicsClick Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaOverview of Indian SocietyClick Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaThr Indian Constitution Click Here
B.A.FMs. Vaishali PandyaSignificant Aspects of Political Process Click Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarConsumer SurplusClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarInternal and External Economies of ScaleClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarInvestment FunctionClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarInvestment ScheduleClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarMonopolistic CompetitionClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarNew Economic Policy 1991Click Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarPublic Expenditure & Social WelfareClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarRecent Policies & Programs for Industrial Development *Start up India *Make in India * Skill IndiaClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarResearch Methodology Project Reports & PHD Thesis: Structure and ContentsClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarSocial InfrastructureClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarTheory of MultiplierClick Here
EconomicsMs. Vibha DicondwarInternational Economic IntegrationClick Here
CommerceDr. Akshata Arun KulkarniGlossary of EVSClick Here

Handbooks / Notes

Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Commerce V

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Business Management

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM – Commerce IV

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM  – Marketing Management

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos related to syllabus on Maharashtra’s Economy, SYBA , Sem IV

Education system and Adivasi students

Health issues and Malnourishment

“An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel”

The certificate course on “An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel” a 4 days (20 hours) intensive course was an initiative of Department of Economics.Ms. Samiksha Jadhav, Asst. Prof, Department of Economics, was the course coordinator where as Mr. Chinmay Joshi, Asst. Prof (Ad-Hoc), Department of Mathematics and Computers was the course instructor.  The lectures for the same were held on 16th, 17th, 18th and 25th August, 2019.It was conducted in the college computer laboratory from 9am to 1pm. There was a huge response from the students for this course as 49 students registered and participated in it. The course covered the theory as well as practical related to soft tools in R software and MS Excel. Students also appeared for an online test conducted by the course instructor and their performances were evaluated.

“My idea behind introducing this certificate course was to equip our BA and B.Com students with data analysis tools that have practical applications in life. Students are introduced to statistical concepts and tools for data analysis at FY, SY and at TY levels through various papers. But the use of the same tools in soft wares like MS-Excel and R software is hardly taught to them through the syllabus. This certificate course was introduced to fill this lacuna in the syllabus. Also, these soft wares are available easily in the market at minimal cost, so the students can continue practicing even after the course is completed. Data analytics being an upcoming field, this certificate course is just the first step towards being Data analyst.”

Ms. Samiksha Jadhav

Course Co-ordinator

“The most important aim of the certificate course was to make students learn the use of soft tools. On completion of this certificate course, students are now able to perform basic data analysis activities using soft tools. Now students are able to use the functions like data sorting, data simulation, regression, graphs etc.,using R-software and MS Excel. They can create their own data and clean the data using the above tools. They are well equipped to understand the use of data and soft tools and ready to take the challenge for becoming Data Magicians.”

Mr. Chinmay Joshi

Course Instructor

Lecture PPT
















Online Admission – Degree College

Online Admission – Junior College

Management Quota Application

Dept. of Commerce (Programme Outcome)

Programme Outcome (Economics)

Pragramme Outcome Mathematics, Statistics and Computer

Programme Outcome (BMM)

Programme Outcome (BBI)

Programme Outcome BAF


Programme Outcome Economics (Arts)


BAF- Handbook

BMS – Handbook

BMS-Deptartment Library

login id:-

password :- user@knimbus

Commerce – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


Mathematics – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


BBI – Handbook

BSCIT – Handbook

BFM – Handbook

BAMMC – Handbook

PSYCHOLOGY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

SOCIOLOGY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

HISTORY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

ECONOMICS – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


ACCOUNTANCY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BAMMC – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BBI – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BSCIT – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

Sociology- Glossary

TYBMS MARKETING Operation Research

TYBMS FINANCE Operation Research