Admission Overview

  1. Admission to the students given in any class will be on the basis of the rules and regulations prescribed by the College/University of Mumbai/Government of Maharashtra.
  2. The students must fill admission forms as per the schedule announced. The List of students granted admission (Merit List) will be displayed on the notice board and website as per the admission schedule
  3. An admission granted to any student in the college, in any class, shall be valid for that particular academic
  4. All admissions are purely provisional and subject to confirmation by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and School Education and Sports Department, University of Mumbai, Government of Maharashtra.
  5. There will be no automatic admission to the Second Year. It will, however, be dependent on the following factors:
    1. Discipline in the Class/College.
    2. Regularity in Attendance.
    3. Satisfactory Academic Performance.
    4. Respect shown towards all members of the teaching and non-teaching staff.
  6. The tuition and other fees prescribed in the prospectus will have to be paid by the students on the days as per the notification displayed on the notice board.
  7. Change of subject, if any, will be permitted as per rules & regulations.
  8. No admission can be claimed as a matter of right and the Principal’s decision in this regard is final and binding.
  9. Students Applying Under Gujarati Linguistic Minority Must Satisfy The Following Norms.
    1. He/she should be Gujarati by birth and should have passed the S.S.C / equivalent examination from the state of Maharashtra only.
    2. In case if the student is not GUJARATI by birth but the mother of the applicant is Gujarati, the marriage certificate of the parent indicating the mother’s name must be produced for verification.
    3. In case of doubtful surnames, the parent will have to produce their 10th mark sheet indicating Gujarati as one of the subjects in 10th Std.
    4. Mark Sheet/School Leaving Certificate indicating fathers or mothers study in Gujarati Medium. A stamped letter on the letterhead of the community Head or Secretary signed by the President. VastiPatrak of the community where the name of the applicant appears along with his/her parent’s name, confirming the claim of belonging to the Gujarati Linguistic Minority Community.
  10. Documents to be Submitted
    1. Admission to F.Y.J.C (Arts and Commerce) Click here
    2. Admission to F.Y.B.COM. /F.Y.B.A. /F.Y.B.M.S. /F.Y.B.A.F. /F.Y.B.B.I. / F.Y.B.A.M.M.C / F.Y.B.Sc.I.T Click here
    3. Admission to M.Com Part I (Accountancy/Business Management/Banking and Finance) Click here
  11. Online Admission process instruction Click here
  12. Admission Notice Management Quota 2020-21 Click here
  13. Rules Regarding Refund of Fees Click Here
  14. Admission Regulations 2024-2025 Click Here

Handbooks / Notes

Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Commerce V

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Business Management

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM – Commerce IV

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM  – Marketing Management

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos related to syllabus on Maharashtra’s Economy, SYBA , Sem IV

Education system and Adivasi students

Health issues and Malnourishment

“An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel”

The certificate course on “An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel” a 4 days (20 hours) intensive course was an initiative of Department of Economics.Ms. Samiksha Jadhav, Asst. Prof, Department of Economics, was the course coordinator where as Mr. Chinmay Joshi, Asst. Prof (Ad-Hoc), Department of Mathematics and Computers was the course instructor.  The lectures for the same were held on 16th, 17th, 18th and 25th August, 2019.It was conducted in the college computer laboratory from 9am to 1pm. There was a huge response from the students for this course as 49 students registered and participated in it. The course covered the theory as well as practical related to soft tools in R software and MS Excel. Students also appeared for an online test conducted by the course instructor and their performances were evaluated.

“My idea behind introducing this certificate course was to equip our BA and B.Com students with data analysis tools that have practical applications in life. Students are introduced to statistical concepts and tools for data analysis at FY, SY and at TY levels through various papers. But the use of the same tools in soft wares like MS-Excel and R software is hardly taught to them through the syllabus. This certificate course was introduced to fill this lacuna in the syllabus. Also, these soft wares are available easily in the market at minimal cost, so the students can continue practicing even after the course is completed. Data analytics being an upcoming field, this certificate course is just the first step towards being Data analyst.”

Ms. Samiksha Jadhav

Course Co-ordinator

“The most important aim of the certificate course was to make students learn the use of soft tools. On completion of this certificate course, students are now able to perform basic data analysis activities using soft tools. Now students are able to use the functions like data sorting, data simulation, regression, graphs etc.,using R-software and MS Excel. They can create their own data and clean the data using the above tools. They are well equipped to understand the use of data and soft tools and ready to take the challenge for becoming Data Magicians.”

Mr. Chinmay Joshi

Course Instructor

Lecture PPT
















Online Admission – Degree College

Online Admission – Junior College

Management Quota Application

Dept. of Commerce (Programme Outcome)

Programme Outcome (Economics)

Pragramme Outcome Mathematics, Statistics and Computer

Programme Outcome (BMM)

Programme Outcome (BBI)

Programme Outcome BAF


Programme Outcome Economics (Arts)


BAF- Handbook

BMS – Handbook

BMS-Deptartment Library

login id:-

password :- user@knimbus

Commerce – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


Mathematics – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


BBI – Handbook

BSCIT – Handbook

BFM – Handbook

BAMMC – Handbook

PSYCHOLOGY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

SOCIOLOGY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

HISTORY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

ECONOMICS – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus


ACCOUNTANCY – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BAMMC – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BBI – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

BSCIT – Department Library

user id :-
Password :-user@knimbus

Sociology- Glossary

TYBMS MARKETING Operation Research

TYBMS FINANCE Operation Research