Teaching Staff

Degree Teaching Staff for 2024-25
Sr. No Name of the Full-time teacher Designation Qualification Year of  appointment Nature of appointment Name of the Department
1 Dr. D.N. Sarkar Principal M.A., Ph.D 16.12.2016 Permanent Commerce
2 Dr. Akshata Arun Kulkarni Professor MA, MPHIL, PH.D. 24.06.1997 Permanent Commerce
3 Dr. Gordhan Naraindas Devnani Associate  Professor MCOM,  LLM,  PHD 01.07.1998 Permanent Commerce
4 Dr (Mrs)Samya Pradeep Shinde Associate  Professor MA, NET/SET, PHD 01.09.2004 Permanent Sociology
5 Mr. Hrishikesh Arun Wandrekar Associate  Professor MCOM, FCA, SET 06.12.2004 Permanent Accountancy
6 Dr. Parita Mayank Desai Associate Librarian MCOM, MLIB, SET, MPHIL,PHD 21.08.2006 Permanent Library
7 Dr. Vaishali  Pandya Assistant Professor MCOM, MPHIL, SET, DBM, PH.D 09.06.2008 Permanent BAF
8 Dr. Seema Ashish Ukidve Assistant Professor MSC, MPHIL, PHD 08.06.2009 Permanent Mathematics
9 Dr. Laila Ahmed Patel Assistant Professor MCOM, MPHIL, SET 07.06.2010 Permanent Commerce
10 Dr. Preeti Sameer Vaswani Assistant Professor MA, SLET, PHD 12.09.2011 Permanent Commerce
11 Ms. Samiksha Jadhav Assistant Professor MA, NET / SET 25.11.2013 Permanent Economics
12 Mr. Ramsagar Yadav Assistant Professor MSC, NET 02.12.2013 Permanent Mathematics
13 Ms. Kavita Makhija Assistant Professor BMM, MCS, SET 28.07.2014 Permanent BMM
14 Ms. Divya Kanchan Assistant Professor BMS, MCOM, SET, PGDM 07.06.2014 Permanent BFM
15 Mrs. Neha Dalal Assistant Professor  MA, SET, DP. IN COUNSELING 08.09.2015 Temporary Psychology
16 Ms. Pooja Uday Yadav Assistant Professor MA, NET 01.10.2015 Permanent History
17 Dr. Rahul Prakash Dandekar Assistant Professor MA, NET /SET 05.10.2015 Permanent Economics
18 Ms. Suvarna Raikar Assistant Professor BCOM, MBA, NET 16.03.2017 Permanent BMS
19 Ms. Heta  Parekh Assistant Professor BMS, MCOM, NET, PGDBA 01.06.2017 On Probation BMS
20 Mr. Raju Gole Assistant Professor MCOM, NET, SET, IPCC 01.06.2017 Permanent BBI
21 Ms. Neha Nikam Assistant Professor BMS, MMS, SET 31.07.2018 Permanent BMS
22 Dr. Dipali Patil (Sport Director) BPED, MPED, SET, PH.D 01.08.2018 Permanent Sports
23 Dr. Prajakta Joshi Assistant Professor  MCA, DP. IN COMP.PROG. &SYSYSTEM  ANLYS, PH.D 01.08.2018 Temporary BSC.IT
24 Ms. Shivani Chande Assistant Professor MA, NET 14.08.2019 Temporary Psychology
25 Dr. Sajitha S Kumar Assistant Professor MCOM, NET, PH.D 15.10.2020 Temporary Commerce
26 Ms. Vijaylaxmi Shetty Assistant Professor MSc 25.10.2021 Temporary Economics
27 Mr. Prashant Shelar Assistant Professor M.A., SET 15.06.2022 Temporary BAF
28 Ms. Shalmali Colaco Assistant Professor M.COM, SET 15.06.2022 On Probation BBI
29 Ms. Princya Corrieia Assistant Professor M.COM, SET 13.09.2022 Temporary Accountancy
30 Mr. Tejas Pednekar Assistant Professor M.COM, NET / SET 13.06.2023 Temporary BFM
31 Ms. Sampada Almeida Assistant Professor MMS, M.COM, SET 19.06.2023 Temporary BMS
32 MS. Sayali Parab Assistant Professor MSC 15.07.2023 Temporary BSCIT
33 Mr. Akshat Mehta Assistant Professor MA 17.07.2023 Temporary Psychology
34 Ms. Dipti Dhanda Assistant Professor MA, SET 18.07.2023 Temporary Economics
35 Ms. Nusrat Sayyed Assistant Professor NET-SET, M.A , B.Ed 08.07.2024 Temporary Sociology
36 Ms. Shruti Samant Assistant Professor M.COM, SET 08.07.2024 Temporary Accountancy
37 MS. Shreya Mathur Assistant Professor MA , NET 08.07.2024 Temporary BAMMC
38 MS. Aarshi Rajiv Kumar Counsellor MA in Clinical Psychology 26.07.2024 Temporary
Junior  College Teaching Staff for 2024-25
Sr. No Name of the Full-time teacher Designation Qualification Year of  appointment Nature of appointment Name of the Department
1 Mrs S.P. Bisht Vice-Principal M.COM , B.ED 01.07.2009 Permanent Commerce
2 Mr. Anilkumar A.S Assistant Teacher M.SC, B.ED 20.06.1994 Permanent Mathematics
3 Mr. Sanjeev Sharma Assistant Teacher M.COM , B.ED 24.11.2009 Permanent Commerce
4 Mr. V.S. Dharam Assistant Teacher Part-Time BA, M.PED 15.06.2009 Permanent Physical Education
5 Mrs. M.S. Patil Assistant Teacher MA, B.ED 15.06.2010 Permanent English
6 Mr. C..S. Rajput Assistant Teacher MA, B.ED 16.06.2011 Permanent English
7 Mr. Nusrat Sayyed Assistant Teacher CHB NET-SET, M.A , B.Ed 07.08.2015 Temporary Sociology
8 Mrs. P.M. Shejwal Assistant Teacher MA, B.ED 20.08.2018 Permanent Hindi
9 Ms. Piyali  Dey Assistant Teacher MCA, B.ED 04.08.2022 Temporary Information Technology
10 Mrs. Ritika Malhotra Assistant Teacher M.COM , B.ED 04.08.2022 Temporary Commerce
11 Mr. Rajesh Bhist Assistant Teacher M.COM , B.ED 20.08.2024 Temporary Commerce
12 Mr. Ganesh Suryavanshi Assistant Teacher MA, B.ED 01.10.2024 Shikshak Sevak Economics
13 Ms. Suhas Ghagre Assistant Teacher CHB MA,M.Phil 01.07.2023 Temporary Marathi
14 Ms. Palak Choudhary Assistant Teacher CHB MA 01.07.2023 Temporary History
15 Ms. Afrin Khan Assistant Teacher CHB MA 01.07.2024 Temporary Psychology

Handbooks / Notes

Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Commerce V

Videos for Reference – TYBCOM – Business Management

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM – Commerce IV

Videos for Reference – SYBCOM  – Marketing Management

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT

Lecture PPT


Lecture PPT

Further Reading

Videos related to syllabus on Maharashtra’s Economy, SYBA , Sem IV

Education system and Adivasi students

Health issues and Malnourishment

“An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel”

The certificate course on “An Introduction to Data Analysis using R software and MS Excel” a 4 days (20 hours) intensive course was an initiative of Department of Economics.Ms. Samiksha Jadhav, Asst. Prof, Department of Economics, was the course coordinator where as Mr. Chinmay Joshi, Asst. Prof (Ad-Hoc), Department of Mathematics and Computers was the course instructor.  The lectures for the same were held on 16th, 17th, 18th and 25th August, 2019.It was conducted in the college computer laboratory from 9am to 1pm. There was a huge response from the students for this course as 49 students registered and participated in it. The course covered the theory as well as practical related to soft tools in R software and MS Excel. Students also appeared for an online test conducted by the course instructor and their performances were evaluated.

“My idea behind introducing this certificate course was to equip our BA and B.Com students with data analysis tools that have practical applications in life. Students are introduced to statistical concepts and tools for data analysis at FY, SY and at TY levels through various papers. But the use of the same tools in soft wares like MS-Excel and R software is hardly taught to them through the syllabus. This certificate course was introduced to fill this lacuna in the syllabus. Also, these soft wares are available easily in the market at minimal cost, so the students can continue practicing even after the course is completed. Data analytics being an upcoming field, this certificate course is just the first step towards being Data analyst.”

Ms. Samiksha Jadhav

Course Co-ordinator

“The most important aim of the certificate course was to make students learn the use of soft tools. On completion of this certificate course, students are now able to perform basic data analysis activities using soft tools. Now students are able to use the functions like data sorting, data simulation, regression, graphs etc.,using R-software and MS Excel. They can create their own data and clean the data using the above tools. They are well equipped to understand the use of data and soft tools and ready to take the challenge for becoming Data Magicians.”

Mr. Chinmay Joshi

Course Instructor

Lecture PPT
















Online Admission – Degree College

Online Admission – Junior College

Management Quota Application

Dept. of Commerce (Programme Outcome)

Programme Outcome (Economics)

Pragramme Outcome Mathematics, Statistics and Computer

Programme Outcome (BMM)

Programme Outcome (BBI)

Programme Outcome BAF


Programme Outcome Economics (Arts)


BAF- Handbook

BMS – Handbook

BMS-Deptartment Library

login id:- bms.coordinator@lsraheja.org

password :- user@knimbus

Commerce – Department Library

user id :- commerce.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus


Mathematics – Department Library

user id :- maths.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus


BBI – Handbook

BSCIT – Handbook

BFM – Handbook

BAMMC – Handbook

PSYCHOLOGY – Department Library

user id :- psychology.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

SOCIOLOGY – Department Library

user id :- sociology.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

HISTORY – Department Library

user id :- history.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

ECONOMICS – Department Library

user id :- economics.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus


ACCOUNTANCY – Department Library

user id :- accountancy.dept@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

BAMMC – Department Library

user id :- bmm.coordinator@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

BBI – Department Library

user id :- bbi.coordinator@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

BSCIT – Department Library

user id :- bscit.coordinator@lsraheja.org
Password :-user@knimbus

Sociology- Glossary

TYBMS MARKETING Operation Research

TYBMS FINANCE Operation Research