Dr. Prajakta Joshi
Name | Dr. Prajakta Joshi |
Date of Birth | 22nd September 1983 |
Educational Qualification | MCA, PhD |
Work Experience | |
· Teaching | 16 Years |
Area of Specialization | Computer Applications |
Courses taught
Introduction to Programming with C Object Oriented Programming with C++, Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Core Java, Software Project Development, Software Quality Assurance |
Subject taught
Introduction to Programming with C Object Oriented Programming with C++, Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Core Java, Software Project Development, Software Quality Assurance |
No of papers published in National /International Journals/Conferences | 06 |
Ph.D. (Completed/Ongoing)
Completed |
Research Publications (No of papers published in National / International Journals/Conferences) | 02 National and 04 International |
No of Books published with details (Name of the book Published with ISBN, year of publication etc) | 05
1. Advanced Database Concepts, ISBN-978-93-89299-84-7, 2023 2. Computer Networks, ISBN-978-93-5563-285-2, 2023 3. Application of MS Excel in Business (SEC), ISBN-978-81-977109-6-4, 2024 4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, ISBN-978-81-977109-3-3, 2024 5. Enterprise Networking, ISBN-978-93-88314-78-7, 2019 |
Date of Joining | 1st August 2018 |
Type of association | Full time |
Type of Appointment
Permanent Faculty / Adjunct Faculty/Visiting Faculty |
Contractual |
Participated and attended various academic conferences and syllabus workshops. Authored six books.
Traveling and reading is passion. Visited almost all states of India and five countries so far.Excited to travel to new destinations. Watching movies and listening songs are the other areas of interest.